
Schools and Early Childhood and Education Care (ECEC) settings are ideal places for promoting healthy eating. With millions of Australian children and staff attending these settings each day, schools and ECEC’s have a responsibility to ensure the food and drinks available and promoted on their premises support healthy food choices.

Early Childhood Education and Care

Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) settings (also known as preschools, kindergartens, long day care, family-based care) are ideal places for health promotion. Children that attend ECEC settings typically consume over half of their daily food intake while attending these settings, providing an excellent opportunity to promote healthy eating.


Universities are an important health promotion setting for employees and students. In particular, universities are a place where young adults spend a significant amount of time, at a stage in their lives where they are exercising greater independence in food choices. Universities can help promote healthy eating by ensuring food service providers and vending machines across campuses offer healthy food and drinks.

Hospitals and health services

Cafés, kiosks, canteens and vending machines within hospitals and health services provide food to a large numbers of health workers and visitors every day. Hospitals and health services have the opportunity to model healthy food environments to the broader community through the healthiness of their facilities.

Sport and recreation

Sport and recreation facilities are frequented by large numbers of people, including children. These facilities are designed to promote health and wellbeing, so the food and drinks on offer should support healthy diets.